At the risk of making an enemy, but knowing my or some other guy’s wife or daughter could be driving behind you on the highway and I’ve seen hold down straps break…..
….. I hope highway patrol pulls you over, gives you a ticket for that set up and makes you unload right there and figure out a way to get it safely where you’re going. I don’t care how many miles you’ve driven with it like that.
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Lol, no worries man.
Year-old post, but just to add a couple points in my defense: It was at the payload limits of the vehicle. I had multiple 5k rated (1600lb break strength) straps on various points of the bed, tie-towns, and vehicle frame itself.
It was as safe as I could make it, the bed itself would have to come loose from the truck for it to go anywhere. Only did it because I had no space or $$ for a proper trailer.
Made 2 round trips, totaling about 600 miles. The rear end sagged just enough to where I would be probably blinding oncoming traffic if I had to drive at night, and it was a massive pain in the rear-end to hook and unhook everything.
The hitch extender came in 2 pcs (rated at over 1000lbs, and it was heavy), 2x10 framework, 8 straps etc. It sucked.
Thankfully we got another stimulus check in, plus I had already started saving for a trailer so was able to make a massive upgrade.
Since then, I've commented several times (here and other forums) against using a mid-size truck to haul in because of those issues.
Please don't apologize for calling out safety issues and concerns like this, and feel free to give a thumbs-up for my current hauling system: