Finally got tired of the crosswind blowing thru the lil P520 when temps are cold. Ordered the Honda doors and rear panel, parts clerks said they would have em in few days. In the meantime, I found a couple youtube videos to watch on door and rear panel installation so I wouldn't have to rely completely on the instructions. Went to pick them up and the parts clerk was out for lunch so one of the techs helped load them into my truck. After we got them loaded, the tech asked if I had previously installed doors on a P520. I answered no, thinking then he was going to offer a couple tips on installation, instead said "well, they kind a suck" (the way they mount, and fit adjustments compared to the 700 &1000's), which I already knew from the videos. Thanked him for the help and left, on the way home I started to laugh. Wife asked, "what's so funny?" what made me laugh was just the tone & honesty from the tech's answer. No BS or sugar coating, customer service at its finest!!! What a difference having a cab enclosed