Howdy and welcome from Northern Iowa to
This thread that you posted in is from 2017.
Best thing to do is
1) Introduce yourself to the forum here:
New Members, Please introduce yourself and if needed ask for help. WELCOME to
post pics of your ride
2) read all of this thread here:
Honda Pioneer/Talon 1000 Clutch Initialize Learning Procedure Applies to both the Pioneer and the Talon. Before starting this procedure, check the following: · PGM-FI system & DTC system have no codes · Engine speed idle is normal · Sub-transmission in in “P” (parking) and cooling fan...
3) use the search bar and search for others who have had your same problem.
4) if that doesn't help, ask your question by creating a new thread here:
Discussion on Modifications and Technical issues. Engine, Suspension, Electrical, Accessories and Modification.
What helps us help you :
Year, make, model
Pics of the dash, showing your problem, a video would be better.
Have a good day