Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
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Your a good guy 100 acre.I brought it to my buddy's dad's shop. He quoted me $45.😍
I told him I'd give him $100. Seemed fair. Practicing random acts of kindness!
Just now seeing this…i need to sell my Hawkgood afternoon you will love you new p1k how do you like your hawk I been looking at them pretty serious
4,947 miles@100Acre
How many miles your machine have now with sub tranny going out?
I think they fixed this issue in 2020 or so but it has been fixed.@100Acre
How many miles your machine have now with sub tranny going out?
???I think they fixed this issue in 2020 or so but it has been fixed.
They updated the subtrans parts that failed on your machine. The newer models don't have that problem.