Hey all, heading up to the U.P. this weekend to ride a few trails and check out some property coming up for sale between Newberry and Taq.....we are staying at Ray's Stay-n-play. Its located at M-28 and M-123 right on the snowmobile trail.
This will be my first time going up with the Honda, ride sleds up there every year, but havent with the ORV yet. Will we be able to ride from the cabin north past Newberry towards the falls easily? I know there are a lot of forest roads, and trying to get all my maps together just thought I would ask here. If we have to trailer then we will, but would rather just ride.
I've heard you can ride "everywhere" in the U.P. but I am sure with the state roads being technically off limits, that then "everywhere" statement is not completely accurate.
Thanks in advance!
This will be my first time going up with the Honda, ride sleds up there every year, but havent with the ORV yet. Will we be able to ride from the cabin north past Newberry towards the falls easily? I know there are a lot of forest roads, and trying to get all my maps together just thought I would ask here. If we have to trailer then we will, but would rather just ride.
I've heard you can ride "everywhere" in the U.P. but I am sure with the state roads being technically off limits, that then "everywhere" statement is not completely accurate.
Thanks in advance!