I have had the System 3 off road tires on my Talon since the beginning of last year. I'm running 30's, same size all the way around so I can rotate. They are great tires for the trail and have great traction. I did destroy one on the TRWA trails last fall during a rocky hill climb, but that happens. My only complaint is they get about 400-500 miles on them and they are pretty worn. I'm not talking bald, just worn down past the "indent" mark in the tires. I had a spare last year so when I destroyed the one tire, I bought a new one and put that one and the spare on the rear. I did also rotate the tires. We do as little road riding as possible, but some trips its un-avoidable.
So what is a better wearing tire that still has decent traction for the trails?
So what is a better wearing tire that still has decent traction for the trails?