That's a purdy one! Congratulations on gettin' er dun! I came here much like you did... looking for advice and help on things to do and NOT to do with my P1K5... Lott'a good folks here! AND ol Remy is right... they will hep you spen' yo money!! But it's all VERY necessary stuff, you understand!!
Best piece of advice I can give you is to get familiar with that search box in the upper right of the header... There's an amazing database here of just about every subject you can think of. Just type in a few key words to what you're looking for and before long you'll get the hang of how it works... tweak you words until you get exactly what you're looking for...
Also, if you do have a new question that you can't seem to get any information on, or if you find something, but need more, start a new thread of your own so we can all track it, follow along and offer up advice... Long as you document things with pics most of our resident SXS PoPo will play along with you and help you out too!!
Welcome aboard sir!