Reviving an old thread...
We are getting ready for a trip to south-central Wyoming and wondering what to expect for trail riding mileage. Higher elevations, lower speed while on the trail. We will be riding some minimum maintenance roads to get to some of the better trails, so I suspect that some miles will be at 35mph.
I know I have had my P520 for over a year, but I think we only have 310 miles on it and most of those have been short trips where there is no good way to track mileage. I also live at 1,250' above sea level. I assume that working harder in the 10k-11k elevation will be different.
Minimal loads when riding: extra fuel, a small cooler and a dog (or 3 dogs in the back) and my wife and I. All this should total less than 500 pounds for all of the listed.
Thanks for the advice!