Hi guys, First off I wanna say this forum is awesome great first impressions! To get to the point I'm Reggi, I'm 29 years old and I live in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The past couple weeks I've been doing a ton of research and I've came to the conclusion that I want a Honda P500. I've never owned a SxS or ATV or anything so this would be a first. Main thing is finding out which one and whats the actual price for it. I've seen some dealers online with prices like the 2015 ones same price as 2018 it's confusing. I couldn't purchase it now so I haven't gone in person yet don't wanna waste anyone's time. Just purchased a new car and depleted my savings so hopefully I can earn enough to buy it for my 30th birth day on Jan 12th because getting financed on my credit is impossible. So i'm looking to know how do I need to save up for it. I wouldn't mind buying a used one either but what year does the automatic transmission start? I don't know anything about the manual or shifting so i'd like automatic. Also doesnt it come with the winch or would i need to buy one? Thanks in advance.