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Illegitimi non carborundum
Lifetime Member
May 14, 2017
Ridgeway, SC

  1. Other Brand
I am still alive and will become a bit more active. Last year, I spent from May on helping to sell the business of my employer for my day job. That took 110% of my time and my little Radio Business kinda fell off.

Fast forward and I am now working retail :cool: in a smaller powersports dealer and we will be moving on a growtrh path ... and I have some time to put back into Off Road Communications. As evidence of this ..

I have a few of Garmin's new SxS versions of their Tread devices that I am testing ... these have some cool features:
  • Turn by turn off road navigation
  • Built in VHF radio
  • Built in InReach satellite communications with two way texting and an SOS button
  • Integration with their 6 device solid state switching module (optional extra) that is super cool
  • Position reporting to other Tread devices (think of the ride mapping of Polaris' Ride Command) ...
  • They are expensive but have some interesting promise. More to follow.
And in big news (not yet on my site) I am now a dealer for Rugged Radios ... anything they make, I can provide. I'll be putting together an initial stocking order in the next week or so, so if you have been eyeing any of their stuff, drop me a line.