I have a 3 passenger 1000 2016, factory designed to full internally with water. Not sure why your burn down but Honda is not standing behind there product and also not telling everyone that this are serious issues with there units. My unit has never seen water and on the first services i was told i sunk it. All gear boxes and fuel tank full of water. There is a serious factory flaw in this unit that allows water intrusion into the fuel and gear box via the vent lines that they have installed into the 1x1 cross member under the seat. There solution was to drill a hole in the frame to drain it and change the oil. If your unit was factory defective and water intrusion was a concerns this could have been the cause of the fire.. Overheating gear box do to lack of lubrication from water intrusion. Mine runs hot like make your back sweat hot... Honda warranty says screw off its under warranty and we changed the oil... No one is thinking about the current damage from the water on the bearings and gears.. What furutre damage has been caused and what am i going to have to deal with when the warranty runs out.... UNITS ARE PIECE OF s***>>> interior framework is rusting from the inside out. Explain how the water is getting into the frame and why is it designed to fill with water and why would you install the vent tubes into the framework as a smart idea??
I would love to discuss further.. ANYONE AND EVERYONE!!!!!