Again, thanks for sharing - much appreciated. I don’t have the skills to take on the front end so may have to approach a dealer to do that. I think I can handle the door panels. Is it a straight six-piece swap out or are there other less advertised cowlings, covers, etc, that also have to be ordered and replaced?
Well there is just the 6 on the P1K5. If your not going to handle the front and pay the labor for the dealer to do it? As stated before…Hold on to your ankles and hold tight 😂 might as well have them do the whole thing then.
If I were u, I would just look into a wrap. Get the camo or the color you want, its the cheapest easiest way to go. If u dont like it, then spend the little fortune your about to embark on. The wraps look good and Walter @ Creative UTV graphics is a vender here that we like to support and guarantees his work and will help you with any questions you have.
most of your other questions body panels and wraps can be answerd with pics in the search up top. Be patient, its your friend and most likely covered. Good luck.
Oh, when your done with what u decide,we need pics. As we say
Pics Or It Didnt Happen