The purpose of this thread is to show the add-ons to my Pioneer and maybe able to be of value to someone else.
These are the initial parts I ordered. I wanted to register it for both on-road and off-road so it required a horn, blinkers, side and rear-view mirrors. The first time I took it out I stopped for an hour or so to pick huckleberries and when I hopped back in both backs of my legs below my shorts got burned from the hot seat sitting in the sun. I knew right then a roof was a necessity not an option
These are the initial parts I ordered. I wanted to register it for both on-road and off-road so it required a horn, blinkers, side and rear-view mirrors. The first time I took it out I stopped for an hour or so to pick huckleberries and when I hopped back in both backs of my legs below my shorts got burned from the hot seat sitting in the sun. I knew right then a roof was a necessity not an option