P1000 2023 Pioneer 1000 Crew Soft Upper Doors



Active Member
Jul 20, 2023
2nd Star to the Right

  1. 1000 6 Crew
I've been looking for a set of upper doors cheaper than the stock version at $750 for the front and anther $750 for the rear. I fount these on Amazon last month and picked up a set: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C9CN5SL8?tag=sxsweb24-20.

They arrived last night and I installed them this morning. Everything fit more or less but the Honda front window mounts interfere with the placement of one of the velcro straps. They also seem to be a little smaller than they should be but I am hoping they will stretch out a little in the sun this weekend. The doors windows have zippers inside and out so to open the door from the outside you need to unzip a little to reach the door latch. I have attached a few pics. I may tweak some of the mounting points to make them more accepting to the current placement of the window mounts and the aftermarket mirrors I added.

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