Another Semi Epic Trip to the Northwest.



Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
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Apr 25, 2017

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Turns out Cooney State park was a pain in the ass. Online it said $18 but when I got there it said 34 and it was 85° and it was hard finding the shower building actually there was only One shower building for three campgrounds which were nowhere near each other. I got pissed and left. I am now at a free city park just south of Columbus Montana right on the banks of the Yellowstone River. It’s still hot but free is cheaper than 34 bucks and frustration.
Some of these pictures are from Beartooth Pass as well as dead Indian pass.
EB62CE8B 674B 4906 9ED9 FF94F555EA57
66A793A0 94AC 4E23 BF39 4F0723BDBC16
88422F43 4733 4444 8E31 47D718023711
0333BE2F 5EF6 4272 A61D B5EF6E48094C
12D4A975 2D28 4267 9E89 FDE9467E7E62
74CA8E14 76A6 4A56 913B 1B4DED7340E1
4641CECF E615 4AC8 9E5D 618DC368AED7
D87AB79E B195 41E7 AFBC EC0D29885C18
8F2D80F8 7AAA 4746 95EE 189A534F1D9A
8D1AB1F7 A1D1 42BB 86FD 862F99B95958
3822A503 C2EF 4F4A 85E2 101DA856B047
080DD437 A01C 4CA4 B746 D58F2E96B301
89ADD246 EB30 486E 923F 930403A85A23
A22C6B2F 0A8C 404C 93E5 1AD639DA08C8
4120BC0C BC65 4D4D 80A2 9719C38E3336
FB7EA885 80A8 415D 8B9C 74ABAFC8F8BD
D60F8E79 EF74 4910 AC2A A5F21A729DD3


Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
Lifetime Member
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Apr 25, 2017

  1. 1000-5
According to Google I only have about 7 to 8 hours to drive tomorrow till I get to St. Mary’s Idaho. Yippee! Then I’m going to sit on my ass well I’ve been sitting on my ass for a week but I’m going to sit on my ass and relax.


Montecresto el segundo
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Jan 17, 2016
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Turns out Cooney State park was a pain in the ass. Online it said $18 but when I got there it said 34 and it was 85° and it was hard finding the shower building actually there was only One shower building for three campgrounds which were nowhere near each other. I got pissed and left. I am now at a free city park just south of Columbus Montana right on the banks of the Yellowstone River. It’s still hot but free is cheaper than 34 bucks and frustration.
Some of these pictures are from Beartooth Pass as well as dead Indian pass.
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I love the escape of the Nez Perce. And there were multiple epic escapes in the 1000 mile chase. Howard was awestruck by Joeseph’s ability to cross rapid rivers with the elderly, women and children at a faster pace than he and his soldiers. The Nez Perce were one of only two tribes that the Corp of Discovery encountered on their epic trip that were truly friendly and saved the lives of the entire Corps from starvation. That was 60 years before Howard’s chase and began as a result of the US breaking a land treaty that they had made with them. They struggled to make the Canadian border and refuge as Sitting Bull had done a few years earlier. Howard/Miles killed more than half of them along the way and they were forced to surrender just 40 miles short of the border. A very sad story.


Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
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Apr 25, 2017

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There’s a place in Idaho called the white bird battlefield just off I 95 where the Indians actually wiped out most of the Calvary that they fought against. That was the beginning of the Nez Perce war. Back in 1995 I worked at an old soldier fort that had burned down in 1902 that the same Indian tribe had escaped through Lower geyser basin in Yellowstone national park


Montecresto el segundo
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Jan 17, 2016
Eastern oklahoma

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There’s a place in Idaho called the white bird battlefield just off I 95 where the Indians actually wiped out most of the Calvary that they fought against. That was the beginning of the Nez Perce war. Back in 1995 I worked at an old soldier fort that had burned down in 1902 that the same Indian tribe had escaped through Lower geyser basin in Yellowstone national park
Wow, that’s really cool. I want to go over the Lemhi Pass following the Corp’s trail to the Salmon sometime. Too bad fire has destroyed so much of the antiquities.


Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
Lifetime Member
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Apr 25, 2017

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Ida-Home. At Christmas Hills near St Maries. Hey @PNWGuy youre not that far from here, why don’t you come and ride with us?
24CC0DDC C8DD 434D B877 8E1820E7C4B2
DACE2B49 1296 4593 83B9 8CF74E994E7C
0F471F0E 97FA 4E4F B385 9CFDE4C3C2EA


Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
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Apr 25, 2017

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Gnome Gnome on the road
where the deer and antelope explode
Where often are herds
And discouraging turds
And the sky is dusty all day.


Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
Lifetime Member
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Apr 25, 2017

  1. 1000-5
I did more riding than I did picture taking although there were grand views all around. Yesterday we all rode to Avery then up to the Trail of the Hiawatha with a bunch of old RR tunnels hacked through the mountains and some super high trestles turned riding routes. Awesome day. Plumb wore out though. I think we did something like 120+ miles with @HoundDog @CumminsPusher myself and others. Great times. I took some videos which I’ll load to YouTube eventually. I am currently near Lakeview on Lake Pend Oreille. Gonna look at some land over the next few days.
855F4BCB E070 4D02 A871 4E6672620F93
1C129CEC 1642 456F 984B 069DEAD513E7
B1B9AC9D 5187 480D 8D90 1F30738F89C0
CE6745AC 4304 4FEF 8110 D984BFCA13B9
4C1B3D76 A28E 4127 9D78 D6DD9F4CEB4D


Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
Lifetime Member
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Apr 25, 2017

  1. 1000-5
I know this is a little backwards but here are some more of Thursday evening when I first arrived at Xmas Hills before @CumminsPusher or anyone else arrived. I had taken these pix on my ipad but forgot to transfer them to my phone which is my only online access device.
4CE82D6C 6B65 476F A28B 05D0CC19AF31
2B69D689 553B 41FE B178 FF5F9AF3D963
5DD8D0D7 1BA9 4F88 AF1D C0EF10BFCD99
E4E2294C 2467 4791 A587 89D2ECC240EF
ACBF95ED 869B 4718 A8EC 277FDA8CE8FB
E623E129 2175 48EC 8D09 C1B8EAD41D35
FD65D965 879D 428A ADEB E320BF7CDC5B
FB987C56 D140 4FC2 988F 8BB9FE10760D
EE5FB84E EF95 405D BCC7 95B5FA4DBA81
8E8535CB B4DB 42B8 9FC2 D1A27F21E2C8
50267A17 E90C 47F3 8FC7 AFADB95094E9


Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
Lifetime Member
Club Contributor
Apr 25, 2017

  1. 1000-5
Here are some more from heading up to the top of St Joe Baldy Mtn . Of course @CumminsPusher has to try and break all the worlds records by driving backwards up the mountain’s avalanche scree fields....
032044D2 6A97 4BB2 9241 396F81C39540
95BF4980 D55B 4488 A407 EF8126B83F94
3630FFD5 C6F8 412C 99A5 B87FFB6100E7
BBB63157 87ED 45F0 B975 1B9A50304B8F
2805D802 3369 4842 8854 CA320BF11149
E7F0C39B D25A 40C3 8993 31B9467CAE2E
437DFB04 8289 4129 B411 BDA12D1A0728
A53633B6 5B6D 4313 A926 2838EBC81C50
C54A8FAE 3A01 40B4 B56A 2FF0F2970745
A2387C83 7955 47E2 AA97 FEE1108AC948
90DC339C 3992 45A2 BC68 0BD1057EE745
1407CAC1 DBF6 40FF A54C 762C1C2CAB2B
9B5C84CA F69E 4F8A B649 DCE9440A7C6E
AEE2FB7C D120 4C23 873D 7ACB85603ED6
23813176 B5AB 4ED1 9C1D 901FFB382887
FF0BC434 7969 4023 8610 F042CDBF5431
C3EC7F96 89D1 4701 81EB BA5933993BC4

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