P500 Cold Starting Issue



New Member
Dec 18, 2022

  1. 500
Hey there from Ontario Canada. I bought a 2019 P500. It works great other than the hard down shifting in automatic and the super loud clanking if you shift under load and the ride is similar to my tractor ( wagon) lol. So, she’s an awesome machine for what I need but starting it I find it stalls a couple times before she idles nicely. Can you adjust the idle higher or is it a fuel issue? Anyone else notice this? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2013
1st. Welcome from central upstate N.Y.
Many good people on the Honda forum AND they LIKE PICTURES
Red was the 1st color all other colors followed Honda hopes they sell
Careful they like to make suggestions that help load the CC card & or drain check book / lower your net worth.

How many miles
Last general service.
Spark plug
Air Filter
Fresh Gas

Now for your Questions:

The Only time <> experienced repeated stalling on cold start-ups <> Was In a Gear <> 1st or Reverse.
RESTART <> Not unusual in cold weather
Idle is adjustable if needed <> careful too High <> clutch <> will ingage .
Check the Air Filter <> dirty airfilter = cold stalling <> starving for air

For Smoother Shifts <> ADJUST the Clutch <> to reduce Hard Shifting & Slamming in gear.

Improve ride Quality:
This one will lower your net worth: $2000 to $3500.00
Radial tires 26 or 27's on 12in. Wheels
Kenda HTR'S or Maxxis Bighorn 2.0 <> both decent riding tires 6.5/7.5 PSI. min.

WalkerEvans or Elka Shocks will improve tbe ride

Sticker SHOCK $$$$

Enjoy the New Toy
Last edited:


New Member
Dec 18, 2022

  1. 500
Thanks for the kind welcome. You know what! I almost always leave it in gear when I shut it off. Wouldn’t that be something if that’s the actual issue lol. I’ll definitely check the air filter too. I think it’s only got about 700 km on it (Those Canadians eh) so about 450 miles. I serviced it myself but I don’t remember checking the air filter to be honest. First forum I’ve ever joined and liking this for sure. Appreciate the reply. Hey, ever do anything about the rough ride. I have the shocks set to the lightest setting and tire pressure is 7lbs (26” Tire up grade). Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2017
Ashland, KY

  1. 500
The cure for the ride is Walker Evans or Elka shocks but i haven't been able to justify the $ myself. Larger radial tires also helps. Mine will occasionally stall if if try and hurry and take off after starting when cold, less than 20F, and you need to wait for the fuel pump to pressure the system up before trying to start.

Synthetic gear oil front and rear and keeping foot in the gas when shifting and the clunky and roughness in shifting is gone


New Member
Dec 18, 2022

  1. 500
Welcome to the club from East Tennessee.
Are you waiting for the fuel pump to stop before starting.
Yes. I hear it priming and wait until it stops. I’ll bet it’s the leaving it in gear when I start it in the morning that’s causing what I call an issue. Me dumb Canuck lol.


New Member
Dec 18, 2022

  1. 500
The cure for the ride is Walker Evans or Elka shocks but i haven't been able to justify the $ myself. Larger radial tires also helps. Mine will occasionally stall if if try and hurry and take off after starting when cold, less than 20F, and you need to wait for the fuel pump to pressure the system up before trying to start.

Synthetic gear oil front and rear and keeping foot in the gas when shifting and the clunky and roughness in shifting is gone
I actually seen a video on YouTube regarding the walkers. I think it’s about a 2k US fix and I agree, I can’t justify the cost either. Since health care is “free” here, I’ll just keep getting the disks replaced in my back 😂. I’ll be changing to the synthetic in the spring then. No garage and she’s a bit snowy up here.

2CEEC897 6EC3 4B6D 9CC7 E52EB2B23DD2


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2017
Ashland, KY

  1. 500
I actually seen a video on YouTube regarding the walkers. I think it’s about a 2k US fix and I agree, I can’t justify the cost either. Since health care is “free” here, I’ll just keep getting the disks replaced in my back 😂. I’ll be changing to the synthetic in the spring then. No garage and she’s a bit snowy up here.

View attachment 366943
They also don't like to shift until the engine oil warms a little.


New Member
Dec 18, 2022

  1. 500
1st. Welcome from central upstate N.Y.
Many good people on the Honda forum AND they LIKE PICTURES
Red was the 1st color all other colors followed Honda hopes they sell
Careful they like to make suggestions that help load the CC card & or drain check book / lower your net worth.

How many miles
Last general service.
Spark plug
Air Filter
Fresh Gas

Now for your Questions:

The Only time <> experienced repeated stalling on cold start-ups <> Was In a Gear <> 1st or Reverse.
RESTART <> Not unusual in cold weather
Idle is adjustable if needed <> careful too High <> clutch <> will ingage .
Check the Air Filter <> dirty airfilter = cold stalling <> starving for air

For Smoother Shifts <> ADJUST the Clutch <> to reduce Hard Shifting & Slamming in gear.

Improve ride Quality:
This one will lower your net worth: $2000 to $3500.00
Radial tires 26 or 27's on 12in. Wheels
Kenda HTR'S or Maxxis Bighorn 2.0 <> both decent riding tires 6.5/7.5 PSI. min.

WalkerEvans or Elka Shocks will improve tbe ride

Sticker SHOCK $$$$

Enjoy the New Toy
Hey there you! Well guess what. I’ve used the bike several times in the last couple of weeks and every time, as long as it’s in Neutral, the bike starts and idles like a champion. That’s the only thing I did differently and the problem seems to be solved. Thanks so much for your suggestions and everyone else that contributed. Now I’ll start saving up for those Walkers.

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