If anyone is looking to improve air flow on their factory split windshield or full glass windshield, I sell kits!! The split windshield extensions allow the windshield to fully open up getting the windshield completely out of line of sight! The full glass bump outs will secure the bottom half of the windshield out roughly 7" max to allow plenty of air and dropping the dust intrusion in the cab considerably. All brackets are made from 1/4 aluminum with stainless steel hardware. I dont currently have a website so to purchase DM or email me. I use paypal or venmo for payment options.
- Split poly windshield extension brackets (powder coated black in stock) = $135 friends and family or $140 goods and services. Shipping included if you live in the US.
- Full glass bump out brackets (powder coated black in stock) = $105 friends and family or $109 goods and services. Shipping included if you live in the US.
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