
  1. A

    P500 Pcm

    Are the 2017 and 2019 pcms interchangeable? Trying to figure out a wiring issue on my 20-7 and want to try my buddy’s 2019 pcm before I change the whole harness
  2. A

    P500 P500 won’t fire

    Hi guys new to the group! My 2017 pioneer 500 won’t fire, no fuel pump and no dash. Put in new fuses, and relays. Tried different battery, different cpu, different ignition switch, cleaned connectors, checked the grounds and I have power going to the pcm. Would appreciate some input! Thanks
  3. ReidMcT

    Winch stops and starts

    I used my newly installed SuperATV 3500 winch today. At first, it was fine, then it was not. I was using it to pull a force of no more than 50 pounds - using a block and tackle to help me move some heavy stuff. After winding in about 25 feet of rope, the winch stopped. I pushed the (remote...
  4. Wingnurse32

    P700 Rattling in engine compartment

    Has anyone else noticed rattle in the engine compartment at idle and at lower RPMs. I noticed that the engine & exhaust both mount to a U-shaped bracket that's mounted to the frame. At idle the bracket actually moves back & forth in its frame mount. I'm assuming it was designed to do that. I...