Well, that sure sounds different than mine! Was the mike built into the camera or seperate?A 50mph sound clip https://photos.app.goo.gl/NDoqR4iQFn1oEwd1A
just my cell phoneWell, that sure sounds different than mine! Was the mike built into the camera or seperate?
I finally got the chance to check the sound of mine against another Talon owned by the local dealer. Unfortunately, mine had a 1/2 windshield and his had none so all you can hear when in his at 30 mph is wind noise. We didn’t really have the opportunity to swap the windshield from mine to his etc to see if we could get an apples to apples comparison. I do have to say that the 2 hr ride he and I took together was the hardest riding I’ve done in the Talon to date, and included ear plugs and full face helmet, which I rarely ever wear. At the end of the day, when I took him out in mine so he could hear the tranny howl, neither of us could hear it. Need to take it out again and see if it really healed itself or not!just my cell phone
Thanks for posting that. Been trying to find a video like that to compare to mine. I have a chatter that starts around 30+ mph. Loaded on the trailer right now to bring to the dealer. Noise is obnoxious when on the road. Dont hear it in yours at all. However mine is much more noticeable under loadA 50mph sound clip https://photos.app.goo.gl/NDoqR4iQFn1oEwd1A
That is odd . Chatter / rattle .Thanks for posting that. Been trying to find a video like that to compare to mine. I have a chatter that starts around 30+ mph. Loaded on the trailer right now to bring to the dealer. Noise is obnoxious when on the road. Dont hear it in yours at all. However mine is much more noticeable under load
At the dealer now. Took them for a ride and they saw what I was talking about. Mechanic thinks it might be related to front drive shaft having some play. But isn’t sure. I still think it’s clutch or fuel related (almost like spark knock) because the symptoms it hasThat is odd . Chatter / rattle .
Keep us updated . Good luck .At the dealer now. Took them for and they saw what I was talking about. Mechanic thinks it might be related to front drive shaft having some play. But isn’t sure. I still think it’s clutch or fuel related (almost like spark knock) because the symptoms it has
At the dealer now. Took them for a ride and they saw what I was talking about. Mechanic thinks it might be related to front drive shaft having some play. But isn’t sure. I still think it’s clutch or fuel related (almost like spark knock) because the symptoms it has
Probably pushed the last of the nitrogen out of the stupid rubber fill pucks in the reservoir lol.I have right at 1000 miles on my X and at this mileage point I noticed that the shocks softened up all at once. This weekend I will be at Waynoka OK for some sand riding and giving the shocks a good work out as compared to country roads.
The Talon specialist we've been in touch with over the last few issues we've had (mainly transportation damage) said if we have any complaints of noise from the front of the unit it's probably the front joint going into the differential.
On a side note, if anyone is having noisy/knocking rear axles, Honda has updated the part number twice now. We've replaced a few with a clicking/knocking noise that's really audible at low speeds. For now Honda is having us replace the entire axle including the inner joint. This noise could also be present when backing up and turning hard.
Thanks for posting that. Been trying to find a video like that to compare to mine. I have a chatter that starts around 30+ mph. Loaded on the trailer right now to bring to the dealer. Noise is obnoxious when on the road. Dont hear it in yours at all. However mine is much more noticeable under load