So, my daughter is riding a 4 wheeler while I’m in the Pioneer and we have struggled with communication while riding. I purchased this from Amazon and we have it ready. They are Bluetooth and can stream music as well. They work through the house so we’ll see how they do on the trail.
So, my daughter is riding a 4 wheeler while I’m in the Pioneer and we have struggled with communication while riding. I purchased this from Amazon and we have it ready. They are Bluetooth and can stream music as well. They work through the house so we’ll see how they do on the trail.
So, my daughter is riding a 4 wheeler while I’m in the Pioneer and we have struggled with communication while riding. I purchased this from Amazon and we have it ready. They are Bluetooth and can stream music as well. They work through the house so we’ll see how they do on the trail.
There’s a thread on here where a lot of guys here are using the TYT-TH8600 waterproof radio for $125
They work very well.
I use a more powerful model (the extra power is not needed unless you’re doing BAHA type stuff far far away, my unit is also not waterproof and if I was to do over...I’d order this exact unit.