So I just turned 7 hrs on my new P1000-3 today and noticed a new sound. The best way I can describe it is it sounds like a Vietnam era twin blade chopper in the off in the distance. Faint, not loud. But I did noticed it gets slightly more noticesble after running for a bit. Only noticeable at idle, but definitely seems to be louder when good and warmed up. Oil level good. Kind sounds like (knocking) in the bottom end. At first I thought something was rubbing or maybe a motor mount issue, but all appears tight and no obvious parts loose. Not the bed or doors, already adjusted them from rattling. Definitely not from exhaust. Never noticed this during the first 6.5 hrs of use. I'm going to monitor over next couple uses and really pay attention to cold vs warm sounds. Any comments if this is normal? Anything else to check? It's not a rattle, it's a consistent low end knock, but faint. Maybe I'm just over reacting??