LOOKINK FORVARD TO DER TAKEOFVER UND MAYBOCK!!! I once had a pig named Bach. I always thought about changing the spelling to Boch or Bock like the Bavarian Lager. He weighed 539 pounds when he finally went into the freezer. 3" tusks und testickles the size of large grapefruits (I didn't wanna say softballs). He was a big red pig. Tammworth or Irish Grazer heritage breed. Famous for their bacon. Smelled like maple syrup they did! Had a bunch, but lost my herd -3 sous and 23 piglets in a barn fire. Heating lamp. Bach was fine out on the pasture though. Sad day in March nonetheless. About 10 years ago. Looking forward to trail riding in May.
zDang mang, Tip toeing through the tundra eating beans and making thunder.
So about a week.5 ago, I rejoined FB hoping to meet a single lady only to be inundated with "rescue me and my 3 kids from Iowa" or a " I rescue animals but don't have any money to feed them" GoFundme scammer and, yes a real Nigerian girl from Tennessee kind of stuff. Got fed up quick and deleted my account today. You could say FB kicked Le Buchet! Never liked and always felt violated on facecrack. Not just by the multitudes of human zombie rejects, but by the Zucksaturd in the sky...Always watching....
That is why my attendance here were a lacking. So, yup just like last time. COWBUCKETS I'm back. Like a rotten tomato stuck in your teeth...