H.F.A.W.H.A. meeting



Huge member
Lifetime Member
Jun 29, 2016
East Tennessee

  1. 1000-5

  2. Talon X4
Cheers queers!


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
Lifetime Member
Supporting Member
Club Contributor
Oct 14, 2015

  1. Other Brand

  2. 1000-5

  3. Talon X LV
I know, a sub par, low options SXS with low horse power but just enough to have fun= A lower priced machine, a deal…… 😉
Was in wolverine a lot this weekend as It’s fixed back up and pioneer needing some love plus it had cooler and tunes lol. I really like that little s***, don’t love it like the Honda but damn it’s become an extremely capable machine. Rpm’s are now down a bit with sheave kit so it’s not as obnoxious. Can’t wait to get the Honda fixed back up though.
Tell ya what though, I’m sure as hell not sure what some have against Talon. Another guy in our group just bought one and we all went on some gnarly s*** and it did good. He’d spent a lot of time in pioneer and said it struggles a little more climbing but he loves it. I drove some and really think it’s a great rig, honestly forgot just how quiet they are, I’d probably leave it stockish especially after going from a belt this weekend to that. Wife rode in it and says that’s next rig and was trying to figure out how we can do it. Love how absolutely aggressive it feels and the driver input needed yet gets all nice and mellow.

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