Hello, New guy here to the SxS world with lots of questions. Ive been doing research as to what I wanted to buy and the pioneer kept popping up. The boss on the other hand thought she wanted a Can-am Commander. She found a commander that we could afford so went to look at it. As soon as we arrived at the dealership the salesman we were talking with informed us that it had just sold. That left us still wanting a machine wondering around the lot seeing if there was something in our price range that we liked. That leads us to a 2020 P1k5 that was setting behind a few others that had been traded in. We looked at it and and went about looking around, but found ourselves going back to look it over several more times. You could tell that whoever had this machine previous had taken good care of it and spared no expense on the upgrade they had done. Long story short we ended up taking it home.
Now to find good places to ride and people to ride with! In the mean time I've been adding my own touch and plan on doing a few more things when the money allows.
Now to find good places to ride and people to ride with! In the mean time I've been adding my own touch and plan on doing a few more things when the money allows.