Talon I4WD



Ditch rider
Supporting Member
Jan 8, 2020
Northern Indiana

  1. Talon X4
So, here is my input on i-4WD on our 2021 Talon 1000R Live Valve.

I'm a new Side by Side owner, this Talon is our first. But, we are life long Jeepers, and have had several built Wranglers with Lockers over the years. Our current 2006 Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon (LJR) is no exception.

We are in South Carolina, and still have the OEM tires / suspension on it, but have a lot of add on products, making it a bit heavier than OEM. Having said that, we bump our bottom all the time when we ride.

I have adopted the habit of riding in LOW gear 95% of the time, transmission on Auto, and using the paddles to upshift / downshift as needed. The factory OEM tires have more than surprised me. As we approach a line where it's rutted out, or if it's very muddy, I flick the 4WD button, and just go. We've hit ruts where one side of the buggy is in the air, and the i-4WD has not left us stranded yet.

To be fair, we are not rock bouncing, or headed into terrain that would require a true differential locker. But, I have followed RZRs and Can Ams through things that make my newbie status get checked. I've put our Talon through stuff that if I had been alone, I would not have attempted. This thing pulls / climbs like a Goat... which made me nickname it "Lil' Goat".

So far, I have not been stuck... granted, I have also not buried it to the frame either. I'm highly impressed with it. Now to move to the 32" XTR370 tires and gain a wee bit more clearance.

Just my honest .02 worth.
I completely agree with you!


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2020

  1. Talon X
Have you done the bleed....?

Yes I have, but I won't have a chance to ride in deep snow until next year. Everything is melted and frozen into rock hard snow at this point in the year. Lots of mud, which I 4wd doesn't seem to struggle with as long as you move through with speed.

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