Welcome from NE Illinois
BBB Well-Known Member Lifetime Member Supporting Member Nov 7, 2019 271 1,342 93 Northeast Illinois Ownership 1000-3 Jul 15, 2020 #21 Welcome from NE Illinois Reactions: coltjester and Mudwing
Fatsquatch Approved Member Lifetime Member Supporting Member Jan 30, 2018 118,722 993,059 113 Hidden Jul 15, 2020 #22 Welcome to the forum from Canton, OH. I bet you're looking forward to Saturday like a five year old counting down the days until Christmas. #NTC Reactions: coltjester and Mudwing
Welcome to the forum from Canton, OH. I bet you're looking forward to Saturday like a five year old counting down the days until Christmas. #NTC
coltjester New Member Jul 10, 2020 8 19 3 Oregon Ownership 1000-3 Jul 20, 2020 #23 Brought it home Saturday. Took it on a roughly 40 mile ride Sunday with some family and had a blast. Got an OEM roof and SuperATV flip up windshield on the way. 🤘🇺🇸 Reactions: Mudwing and TxDoc
Brought it home Saturday. Took it on a roughly 40 mile ride Sunday with some family and had a blast. Got an OEM roof and SuperATV flip up windshield on the way. 🤘🇺🇸
coltjester New Member Jul 10, 2020 8 19 3 Oregon Ownership 1000-3 Jul 20, 2020 #24 Couple more.... Reactions: Mudwing