New Pioneer Owner Checking In



NTC/TAP Transition Member
Lifetime Member
Oct 1, 2016

  1. Other Brand

  2. 500
Welcome fire fighter @aDave from another Dave. Good choice. The P500 is great for chores around my property, it pulls my “fire wagon” for irrigation drafting from a creek. Pulls the 275 gal. tank with no problem (added a Moose 2 inch hitch receiver). Watering landscape with a 1 1/2 hose is a blast. Retirement is the best.

C07D981C E913 4042 B69C D655BE4316AF AF855255 1700 4A17 8922 377FAD0A442B 412E00F2 B965 4733 8638 25F79DFEBD0F
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