Well folks, I originally purchased my 700-4 because with my spine and tailbone full of cracks, I couldn't handle a fast machine, or the bouncing from going fast.
Wife wanted a 4 seater, loved the idea of the Honda's "automotive like" tranny.
I can poke around slowly and it's great. The only workout it normally gets from me is plowing snow.
With the recent floods here in WV I REALLY put my 700 to the test this last week. I was amazed.
I hauled my Honda in my 6X10 trailer to the river with my truck, unloaded it, then hooked the trailer to my Pioneer.
I had water logged porches that were washed away, loaded onto the trailer, several people sitting on it, barely creeping over logs and stumps at very slow speeds. Up through the river bottom after the water receded. Never a whimper. Had to winch fallen trees, water filled boats, etc.
Then a couple of porches were too large to lift, they hooked me up, had a couple of situations where the 700 got in a bind and wouldn't even spin the tires. Trying not to damage the porches I would try to pull that way first, (easy) then back up a few inches and take small jerks to free it. I eventually freed every one I was attached to. Then drag it to a better, more accessible area.
Then I used my snow plow to push and level several tons of gravel.
This thing has really impressed in the last week since water has receded. I don't know, it took that slow steady pull and never complain, just seems like it would be tough on a tranny. I had quite the load on it, many times and climbing up out of the river bottom reminded me how attractive the 1000 engine is but the only time it really felt under powered was hooked to a huge porch that was stuck in the mud.
Is it tough on one like it seems it should be?
Will I pay later for the work that it has done this past week?
Wife wanted a 4 seater, loved the idea of the Honda's "automotive like" tranny.
I can poke around slowly and it's great. The only workout it normally gets from me is plowing snow.
With the recent floods here in WV I REALLY put my 700 to the test this last week. I was amazed.
I hauled my Honda in my 6X10 trailer to the river with my truck, unloaded it, then hooked the trailer to my Pioneer.
I had water logged porches that were washed away, loaded onto the trailer, several people sitting on it, barely creeping over logs and stumps at very slow speeds. Up through the river bottom after the water receded. Never a whimper. Had to winch fallen trees, water filled boats, etc.
Then a couple of porches were too large to lift, they hooked me up, had a couple of situations where the 700 got in a bind and wouldn't even spin the tires. Trying not to damage the porches I would try to pull that way first, (easy) then back up a few inches and take small jerks to free it. I eventually freed every one I was attached to. Then drag it to a better, more accessible area.
Then I used my snow plow to push and level several tons of gravel.
This thing has really impressed in the last week since water has receded. I don't know, it took that slow steady pull and never complain, just seems like it would be tough on a tranny. I had quite the load on it, many times and climbing up out of the river bottom reminded me how attractive the 1000 engine is but the only time it really felt under powered was hooked to a huge porch that was stuck in the mud.
Is it tough on one like it seems it should be?
Will I pay later for the work that it has done this past week?