Pioneer 1000 Demo & Pictures / Farm Progress Show 9-3-15 Decatur, IL



Ancient Honda fanboi
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Jun 11, 2015
Pioneer, TN

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  2. Talon X4
Just got back from the Farm Progress Show in Decatur, IL, went specifically to check out the new Pioneer 1000 in person. I was hoping for a spirited test ride but the Demo area was less than 1/2 of my 2 acre yard and they repeatedly stated not over 15 mph. So my most exciting ride of the day came from an 87 year old lady who drove a golf cart shuttle like she was qualifying for Talledaga. They should have put her in charge of the Demos. LOL So as for 4 hours on the road an back for 2 minutes max in the drivers seat, I am under whelmed and felt a little cheated on how the venue was set up. This was just the wrong venue for a test drive.

I am excited about the P1000 what I did get to see and experience of it leave me very anxious for more. It should be a great seller for Honda both for Utility and Recreational purposes and I cannot wait to have one in my garage.

I do have some HD video of other driving around the "demo area" but you could literally walk around it faster than any of the SxS or Fourtrax's were being driven. If you drove a SxS they put a rep in with you if you drove a ATV the put a rep in front of you to "set the pace". I did see them speed up once almost fast enough to clean the dirt out of the tread.

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Ancient Honda fanboi
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Jun 11, 2015
Pioneer, TN

  1. 1000-5

  2. Talon X4 represent!

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Sticker was still on it 3 hrs. later as I went to leave. Was hoping to speak to a factory rep or two but all that was there that early was 2 salesmen from a local dealership to answer questions. After a 2 min conversation they realized I knew more about the P1000 than they did and went to help other who had never seen one before. As I was getting ready to leave another fella was there appropriately dressed for the part of a rep but he looked pretty busy so I didn't interrupt. It had warmed up from 75 when I got there to over 90 and I was beginning to melt.
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Ancient Honda fanboi
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Jun 11, 2015
Pioneer, TN

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I was asked to get some pictures up close of under the seat for storage etc. Well the front 1/2 of the engine is under the seat in the center, on the passenger side is the fuel cell, on the drivers side was a thin rubber flap like on the P500 but it didn't look like there was much storage area there. Here is the pics of that section.

All of it:
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Drivers Side:
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Passenger Side from front angle:
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Ancient Honda fanboi
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Jun 11, 2015
Pioneer, TN

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One thing that really stood out in person was just how beefy the rear suspension components were, The rear shock spring was well over 3" in diameter with a 2 or 2.5" shock body. the A-Arm especially the bottom one was heavily reinforced. This thing is built to work and or take some punishment and not even flinch;
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The rear seating area surprised me with how much legroom it did have. I am 6'1" and 295# and I was able to comfortable get into an out of the back and did not feel crowded sitting in it for riding. Would I want to ride in the back all day no, but a normal person weighing 1/2 what I do should get along pretty good. I'm impressed with the layout.
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Ancient Honda fanboi
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Jun 11, 2015
Pioneer, TN

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Here is the only two video clips, don't expect too much action:

Pardon my fat fingers, Bubba don't GoPro much off of a mount.



Ancient Honda fanboi
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Jun 11, 2015
Pioneer, TN

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  2. Talon X4
My impression of the ride was positive overall. I did get one chance to try and make the P1000-5 buck as I wanted to see how stiff or soft the rear suspension was. I was pleasantly surprised that the first 3 or so inches of travel made for a very cushy ride over stutter bumps and when the back end really compressed it did not seem harsh at all especially since there was only 2 of us in the P1000-5.

The P1000 turns surprisingly sharp for its size even in regular 4WD, and the power steering makes it all buttery smooth.

I didn't get to test the acceleration response or shifting due to the size and restrictions Honda had on the venue, but from others reports already I do not think anyone will be disappointed.

Also as previously stated by others, the P1000 is quiet should make for an outstanding hunting rig. Elk country here I come!

I would like to thank Honda for at least putting everything out there and giving the public a chance to drive each of their SxS models and several Fourtrax models.

I am now even more anxious to get into a P1000-5 Deluxe, it may not get to wait until April. :cool:
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Sep 3, 2015

First off thank you for the report on the Pioneer 1000, it was very helpful, I especially liked your pictures of the interior! I have already put money down on a 1000 and have been following this site everyday looking for whatever information I can get. A couple of questions. You mentioned that you were impressed with the amount of roominess in the back, how was the foot and leg room in the front of the vehicle when you were driving it? I assume that you have sat in Pioneer 700 before, how is the roominess in front compared to the 700?

Finally with the engine being partly below the seat did you notice any heat coming up from under the seat as you were driving?

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Ancient Honda fanboi
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Jun 11, 2015
Pioneer, TN

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First off thank you for the report on the Pioneer 1000, it was very helpful, I especially liked your pictures of the interior! I have already put money down on a 1000 and have been following this site everyday looking for whatever information I can get. A couple of questions. You mentioned that you were impressed with the amount of roominess in the back, how was the foot and leg room in the front of the vehicle when you were driving it? I assume that you have sat in Pioneer 700 before, how is the roominess in front compared to the 700?

Finally with the engine being partly below the seat did you notice any heat coming up from under the seat as you were driving?


I had plenty of room up front, definitely enough for three avg. size people across including leg / foot room. Two big ole boys would be real comfy up front. I felt I had more leg room driving the P1000-5 than in any other SXS I have driven which is several models and makes. More room than a 700 in my opinion, noticeably so.

I was the first driver of the day on the P1000-5 and of course with only a 2 min run the motor barely had a chance to get warmed up, that being said I did not notice ANY heat, but I would have been surprised if I did given the circumstances. The engine appears sealed off pretty well and the bench seat base closes up tightly all the way across and around. Only a good long slow ride would tell the truth once it is at full operation temp working the engine on hilly terrain. I am of the opinion the engine heat is closed of better than it is on the P500 and P700 both, so its an improvement.


Ancient Honda fanboi
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Jun 11, 2015
Pioneer, TN

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@Captaincobalt Welcome to the Club! I will be glad to try and answer any questions you may have. I don't think your post fully took above just got the quote in it.


New Member
Sep 3, 2015
I felt I had more leg room driving the P1000-5 than in any other SXS I have driven which is several models and makes. More room than a 700 in my opinion, noticeably so

Thank you! That was what I was hoping to hear!:)
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Ancient Honda fanboi
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Jun 11, 2015
Pioneer, TN

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As I left for the day the sticker was still on the machine with the Rep on the left only a foot from it talking to interested parties.

LOL wonder how long it stays. :cool: Front & Center beside his right wrist.



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@JACKAL, Thanks for the review and that was a nice touch with the decal. Lol. Hate you didn't get to speak to a rep. Oh well, must been on a coffee break. Haha.

Sucks they have the venues so tight you can't really open it up any. But there more for show than true demo.

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Ancient Honda fanboi
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Jun 11, 2015
Pioneer, TN

  1. 1000-5

  2. Talon X4
@JACKAL, Thanks for the review and that was a nice touch with the decal. Lol. Hate you didn't get to speak to a rep. Oh well, must been on a coffee break. Haha.

Sucks they have the venues so tight you can't really open it up any. But there more for show than true demo.


This was day 3 of 3 and over 200,000 people had been through the event in the first two days, so I'm sure the vigor had ran down on all event exhibitors. I used to go with my Dad when we farmed, I believe they even draw people in from over 50 different countries. Its the end all be all show of Ag related products. The farmers were digging the P1000 too when they found out it was rated to pull 2000 lbs. and no belt drive. One of them said well it may be time to replace my Big Red, I asked him which year he said 1984, LOL I said Ok the three wheeler, he says yeah only had the tank rust out once, replaced it and still runs like a top.


Jul 23, 2015
This was day 3 of 3 and over 200,000 people had been through the event in the first two days, so I'm sure the vigor had ran down on all event exhibitors. I used to go with my Dad when we farmed, I believe they even draw people in from over 50 different countries. Its the end all be all show of Ag related products. The farmers were digging the P1000 too when they found out it was rated to pull 2000 lbs. and no belt drive. One of them said well it may be time to replace my Big Red, I asked him which year he said 1984, LOL I said Ok the three wheeler, he says yeah only had the tank rust out once, replaced it and still runs like a top.
That's funny about big red lol. Thanks for the pictures and videos.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2013
Buffalo, NY
I do have some HD video of other driving around the "demo area" but you could literally walk around it faster than any of the SxS or Fourtrax's were being driven. If you drove a SxS they put a rep in with you if you drove a ATV the put a rep in front of you to "set the pace". I did see them speed up once almost fast enough to clean the dirt out of the tread.

While they didn't have a running P1000 available at the time, it looks like the Empire Farm Days demo rides were structured the same way. I got to ride the P500 quite a few laps- but it was frustrating not being able to give it a true shakedown.

I was pleasantly surprised when the special invitation tour with the P1000s basically said "You can drive it briskly and have fun, but just remember this is our only two units and we have more stops and there are not parts available yet if anything breaks... " We had fun, although I realized too late that I could have driven with a bit more gusto myself. :)
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