Hey everybody,
Well it's been a hot minute since I've been active here. Last time I really was posting was about 3 or so years ago with a P500. Despite my love for that machine I ended up selling it to knock out some other finacial and family goals. That being said we were successful and today we put down a deposit on a new 700-4 Deluxe! We should be hearing about it shipping around the 13th of this month if I understood right. I had to call 6 different dealers to find it.
That all being said I'm glad to be back and I would like to pick the brain trust's mind for a bit. I want to start prepping up what accessories, mods, etc are working well with the 700-4. I will be using it primarily for running mountian dirt roads to hunt and camp here in Montana with a bit of utility work on the side like hauling firewood or bags of mulch.
Initial accessories I'm planning on:
1) Honda OEM soft door uppers for both the front and back doors. I would have liked hard doors for both but the price was unacceptable. Plus I didn't recall seeing a hard rear door. Either way I think the OEM soft uppers look clean and will do the job nicely. Any adjustment or fit tips would be handy though.
2) Seizmik Vented front windshield. I picked it because I liked the vent system and the fit looked good. Didn't really see a lot of reviews on it so I'm not full commit. Plus I would like a wiper system during the fall and winter while hunting I wasn't sure if a poly windshield was the way to go or if a glass system would be better.
3) Super ATV Tinted poly roof (full length). To be honest it is between this and the Koplin Steel roof. I like the profile and fit over the OEM roof. I like that it is tinted and you can still take a peek through it but I wonder how realistic that'll be once road dust or snow settles on it. Again I might be tempted more for the Koplin because price is better and it could be more durable.
4) Super ATV Rear Windshield. The kind that has a flip up access. I think it looks slick and I like that you can open it up and it works with the tilt bed.
5) A heater? Year round use for us. I saw a post for what I believe was an Inferno kit. It looked like the choice for me with the adjustable vents for keeping the windshield clear and heating passengers. My biggest concern with the heatr is the back passengers. Do I need to consider a supplemental heater for the back?
6)Seizmik Bed Extender. I like that it folds up and fits behind the seats while they are up. But do they get in the way when using the full bed? I know it can let heat out in the winter if I need to use it but that space should be plugged by a deer or bear
7) Winch and Bumper. I will be doing these ASAP but I'm debating about doing the front 2" reciever set up for the winch so I can move it to the rear for extraction. May have ran into a couple pickles when running solo during spring bear hunts. Anyways, thoughts or ideas would be welcome.
8) Forward A-Arms. I'm of the belief that bigger tires and a lower center of gravity get results when addressing obstacles and road hazards. I like that I can add more meat with less lift by doing these but I'm seeing limited options. Are any of the manufactures a good go or is there more to consider?
9) 4 inch portals. I know I just said more meat with less lift. But more meat with less gear makes for a bad situation. I think the portals is a great solution and I'm thrilled it's an option. Anyways, I was kinda curious what everyone's opinions were on them and what key points to look for. Eventually goal between the portal and A-Arms is to shove as much tire in as possible to fill the fender wells.
Lastly I have questions about transportation. You may have seen years ago how I ran my P500 up ramps onto a second set of ramps on my flatbed. I had everything bolted, chained, and strapped 10 ways to Sunday and it worked great. Knowing that the 700-4 is a bit larger I think I need to modify this method. So the question is what are some of the best ways to haul this big rig on a short flatbed so that I can also tow a camp trailer? I'm thinking a custom "slide it" UTV rack maybe. Or maybe a bed "extender" with an extended hitch? Brainstorming and input is welcome.
Alright everyone, it's back to the Google machine and forum search for me. I appreciate you reading my long post and look forward to your ideas and guidance.
Sent from my SM-T870 using Tapatalk
Well it's been a hot minute since I've been active here. Last time I really was posting was about 3 or so years ago with a P500. Despite my love for that machine I ended up selling it to knock out some other finacial and family goals. That being said we were successful and today we put down a deposit on a new 700-4 Deluxe! We should be hearing about it shipping around the 13th of this month if I understood right. I had to call 6 different dealers to find it.
That all being said I'm glad to be back and I would like to pick the brain trust's mind for a bit. I want to start prepping up what accessories, mods, etc are working well with the 700-4. I will be using it primarily for running mountian dirt roads to hunt and camp here in Montana with a bit of utility work on the side like hauling firewood or bags of mulch.
Initial accessories I'm planning on:
1) Honda OEM soft door uppers for both the front and back doors. I would have liked hard doors for both but the price was unacceptable. Plus I didn't recall seeing a hard rear door. Either way I think the OEM soft uppers look clean and will do the job nicely. Any adjustment or fit tips would be handy though.
2) Seizmik Vented front windshield. I picked it because I liked the vent system and the fit looked good. Didn't really see a lot of reviews on it so I'm not full commit. Plus I would like a wiper system during the fall and winter while hunting I wasn't sure if a poly windshield was the way to go or if a glass system would be better.
3) Super ATV Tinted poly roof (full length). To be honest it is between this and the Koplin Steel roof. I like the profile and fit over the OEM roof. I like that it is tinted and you can still take a peek through it but I wonder how realistic that'll be once road dust or snow settles on it. Again I might be tempted more for the Koplin because price is better and it could be more durable.
4) Super ATV Rear Windshield. The kind that has a flip up access. I think it looks slick and I like that you can open it up and it works with the tilt bed.
5) A heater? Year round use for us. I saw a post for what I believe was an Inferno kit. It looked like the choice for me with the adjustable vents for keeping the windshield clear and heating passengers. My biggest concern with the heatr is the back passengers. Do I need to consider a supplemental heater for the back?
6)Seizmik Bed Extender. I like that it folds up and fits behind the seats while they are up. But do they get in the way when using the full bed? I know it can let heat out in the winter if I need to use it but that space should be plugged by a deer or bear
7) Winch and Bumper. I will be doing these ASAP but I'm debating about doing the front 2" reciever set up for the winch so I can move it to the rear for extraction. May have ran into a couple pickles when running solo during spring bear hunts. Anyways, thoughts or ideas would be welcome.
8) Forward A-Arms. I'm of the belief that bigger tires and a lower center of gravity get results when addressing obstacles and road hazards. I like that I can add more meat with less lift by doing these but I'm seeing limited options. Are any of the manufactures a good go or is there more to consider?
9) 4 inch portals. I know I just said more meat with less lift. But more meat with less gear makes for a bad situation. I think the portals is a great solution and I'm thrilled it's an option. Anyways, I was kinda curious what everyone's opinions were on them and what key points to look for. Eventually goal between the portal and A-Arms is to shove as much tire in as possible to fill the fender wells.
Lastly I have questions about transportation. You may have seen years ago how I ran my P500 up ramps onto a second set of ramps on my flatbed. I had everything bolted, chained, and strapped 10 ways to Sunday and it worked great. Knowing that the 700-4 is a bit larger I think I need to modify this method. So the question is what are some of the best ways to haul this big rig on a short flatbed so that I can also tow a camp trailer? I'm thinking a custom "slide it" UTV rack maybe. Or maybe a bed "extender" with an extended hitch? Brainstorming and input is welcome.
Alright everyone, it's back to the Google machine and forum search for me. I appreciate you reading my long post and look forward to your ideas and guidance.
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