Preparing for a new 700-4 Deluxe



Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2015
Alberton, Montana
Hey everybody,

Well it's been a hot minute since I've been active here. Last time I really was posting was about 3 or so years ago with a P500. Despite my love for that machine I ended up selling it to knock out some other finacial and family goals. That being said we were successful and today we put down a deposit on a new 700-4 Deluxe! We should be hearing about it shipping around the 13th of this month if I understood right. I had to call 6 different dealers to find it.

That all being said I'm glad to be back and I would like to pick the brain trust's mind for a bit. I want to start prepping up what accessories, mods, etc are working well with the 700-4. I will be using it primarily for running mountian dirt roads to hunt and camp here in Montana with a bit of utility work on the side like hauling firewood or bags of mulch.

Initial accessories I'm planning on:
1) Honda OEM soft door uppers for both the front and back doors. I would have liked hard doors for both but the price was unacceptable. Plus I didn't recall seeing a hard rear door. Either way I think the OEM soft uppers look clean and will do the job nicely. Any adjustment or fit tips would be handy though.
2) Seizmik Vented front windshield. I picked it because I liked the vent system and the fit looked good. Didn't really see a lot of reviews on it so I'm not full commit. Plus I would like a wiper system during the fall and winter while hunting I wasn't sure if a poly windshield was the way to go or if a glass system would be better.
3) Super ATV Tinted poly roof (full length). To be honest it is between this and the Koplin Steel roof. I like the profile and fit over the OEM roof. I like that it is tinted and you can still take a peek through it but I wonder how realistic that'll be once road dust or snow settles on it. Again I might be tempted more for the Koplin because price is better and it could be more durable.
4) Super ATV Rear Windshield. The kind that has a flip up access. I think it looks slick and I like that you can open it up and it works with the tilt bed.
5) A heater? Year round use for us. I saw a post for what I believe was an Inferno kit. It looked like the choice for me with the adjustable vents for keeping the windshield clear and heating passengers. My biggest concern with the heatr is the back passengers. Do I need to consider a supplemental heater for the back?
6)Seizmik Bed Extender. I like that it folds up and fits behind the seats while they are up. But do they get in the way when using the full bed? I know it can let heat out in the winter if I need to use it but that space should be plugged by a deer or bear ;)
7) Winch and Bumper. I will be doing these ASAP but I'm debating about doing the front 2" reciever set up for the winch so I can move it to the rear for extraction. May have ran into a couple pickles when running solo during spring bear hunts. Anyways, thoughts or ideas would be welcome.
8) Forward A-Arms. I'm of the belief that bigger tires and a lower center of gravity get results when addressing obstacles and road hazards. I like that I can add more meat with less lift by doing these but I'm seeing limited options. Are any of the manufactures a good go or is there more to consider?
9) 4 inch portals. I know I just said more meat with less lift. But more meat with less gear makes for a bad situation. I think the portals is a great solution and I'm thrilled it's an option. Anyways, I was kinda curious what everyone's opinions were on them and what key points to look for. Eventually goal between the portal and A-Arms is to shove as much tire in as possible to fill the fender wells.

Lastly I have questions about transportation. You may have seen years ago how I ran my P500 up ramps onto a second set of ramps on my flatbed. I had everything bolted, chained, and strapped 10 ways to Sunday and it worked great. Knowing that the 700-4 is a bit larger I think I need to modify this method. So the question is what are some of the best ways to haul this big rig on a short flatbed so that I can also tow a camp trailer? I'm thinking a custom "slide it" UTV rack maybe. Or maybe a bed "extender" with an extended hitch? Brainstorming and input is welcome.

Alright everyone, it's back to the Google machine and forum search for me. I appreciate you reading my long post and look forward to your ideas and guidance.


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" Nothing succeeds like excess "
Lifetime Member
Dec 16, 2018
Livingston county, Mi.

  1. 700-4
We own a 2019 700-4 deluxe, as for the basic machine you will love it I am certain.

My goal during anything I do is to minimize weight gain.
With only 3 speeds and well power that is acceptable weight is a huge draw on the limited power available.

I believe a wiper on poly is not wise but I am sure it can work until the scratches become too many to see through but glass is HEAVY.

We run a 27x11 on all 4 four corners and absolutely love them.
It will pull very well and hasn't failed on returning 4 grown adults with gear back into hunt camp or anywhere we have went during sloppy Michigan falls or winters.

I have a badlands 5k winch up front a badlands 4.5k winch in the rear and dual batteries so if I did get stuck I could get out.

Our windshield is a poly one piece that is going away for a poly 2 piece fold out windshield.

We run a fabric top mid roll-up window and fabric roll up back window.
No solid doors or windows the noise is bad enough.

Lastly i would whole heartedly recommend a "Trigger Shield" as it stops so much heat and noise it is almost mandatory.

Good luck and keep us posted
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2015
Alberton, Montana
We own a 2019 700-4 deluxe, as for the basic machine you will love it I am certain.

My goal during anything I do is to minimize weight gain.
With only 3 speeds and well power that is acceptable weight is a huge draw on the limited power available.

I believe a wiper on poly is not wise but I am sure it can work until the scratches become too many to see through but glass is HEAVY.

We run a 27x11 on all 4 four corners and absolutely love them.
It will pull very well and hasn't failed on returning 4 grown adults with gear back into hunt camp or anywhere we have went during sloppy Michigan falls or winters.

I have a badlands 5k winch up front a badlands 4.5k winch in the rear and dual batteries so if I did get stuck I could get out.

Our windshield is a poly one piece that is going away for a poly 2 piece fold out windshield.

We run a fabric top mid roll-up window and fabric roll up back window.
No solid doors or windows the noise is bad enough.

Lastly i would whole heartedly recommend a "Trigger Shield" as it stops so much heat and noise it is almost mandatory.

Good luck and keep us posted

Excellent! I hear what your saying about power availablity. That is something I was thinking about last night in regards to the hard body components. I could see tires playing into that as well. With tires I just think about my 68 Jeepster. For years I wheeled it with 27" tires and did alright. But since I went to 35" tires looking for mule deer got a lot less... stuck. I intend to run the factory Honda tires till they are toast and then look at more rubber at that time. I was noticing there is a lot of discussion about portals vs internal gear reductions and I feel that is worth reading more about prior to commiting to gearing for meat.

I like the dual battery/dual winch idea. I'm noticing the dual battery is popping up as commonality for this machine. I will have to add that as a mandatory upgrade. I'm guessing you mounted your rear winch down low for extraction? Do you have a system for it helping to load game or do you use the ole muscle hustle?

How do you manage snow, rain, and slush on your windshield without a wiper? On my P500 I could manage but it really hindered getting back to camp or progress down the road sometimes.

Why do you run a mid window and a back window? As far as soft panels I hadn't even thought about noise to which I'm assuming is coming from the engine and what not. My P500 was loud. Do you keep the Trigger Shield on year round or do you take it off in the winter to let heat in for passengers? Do you find the need for a heater in Michigan while your out hunting? I guess that raises the question to what type of hunting your doing. More get to a tree stand and back or out hitting roads and scouting countryside?

I appreciate the response! It will help alot in getting set up for adventure and fun!

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" Nothing succeeds like excess "
Lifetime Member
Dec 16, 2018
Livingston county, Mi.

  1. 700-4
Excellent! I hear what your saying about power availablity. That is something I was thinking about last night in regards to the hard body components. I could see tires playing into that as well. With tires I just think about my 68 Jeepster. For years I wheeled it with 27" tires and did alright. But since I went to 35" tires looking for mule deer got a lot less... stuck. I intend to run the factory Honda tires till they are toast and then look at more rubber at that time. I was noticing there is a lot of discussion about portals vs internal gear reductions and I feel that is worth reading more about prior to commiting to gearing for meat.

I like the dual battery/dual winch idea. I'm noticing the dual battery is popping up as commonality for this machine. I will have to add that as a mandatory upgrade. I'm guessing you mounted your rear winch down low for extraction? Do you have a system for it helping to load game or do you use the ole muscle hustle?

How do you manage snow, rain, and slush on your windshield without a wiper? On my P500 I could manage but it really hindered getting back to camp or progress down the road sometimes.

Why do you run a mid window and a back window? As far as soft panels I hadn't even thought about noise to which I'm assuming is coming from the engine and what not. My P500 was loud. Do you keep the Trigger Shield on year round or do you take it off in the winter to let heat in for passengers? Do you find the need for a heater in Michigan while your out hunting? I guess that raises the question to what type of hunting your doing. More get to a tree stand and back or out hitting roads and scouting countryside?

I appreciate the response! It will help alot in getting set up for adventure and fun!

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As far as tires are concerned my experience has led me to believe that all tires are not created equal.
If the terrain warrants it the go taller and heavier to resist punctures and damage from rocks or tree limbs etc.
If not then possibly a lighter built tire may work well and still be taller.
We went taller and lighter because we always ride in groups and there are many spares if needed.
With that being said we have had zero issues in Michigan swamps, on fire roads or through tight woods were something could take out a sidewall.

The stock battery is horrid at best, our Rincon has a larger battery and it is the same basic drive train.
Run an isolator and a large deep cycle battery under the driver's side seat and put all draw for anything other than factory on it.
You will be very happy in the end and if the stock battery should die you can jump your machine from the 2nd batt.

We deer hunt, trap and small game hunt alot so we are always looking at new spots.
The 700-4 pulls 4 people plus gear and sometimes a small trailer with camping needs without a problem.
Just be mindful of the weight and you will be fine.
Because we often have a trailer and multiple persons we do the muscle hustle so to say.

As far as the windshield goes I keep it clean and wax it often with turtle wax and at worst I need to dump a bottle of water on it.
Heavy build up has thus far not been an issue.

We run a mid window and back window with a soft top to keep noise and dust down when needed.
With 4 people on board the center stays open and the rear closed we stay pretty well protected from rain, snow and dust.
Our Trigger Shield made a huge difference in driveability in all conditions by keeping dust and heat from coming up between the seat and well everything.
It stays on year round.
With the top, winshield, mid window and rear window with proper winter clothing we are quite comfortable.
We do scout a tremendous amount and often are down in swamps for beaver or
scouting and are quite pleased.
We also made a rubber cover and ziptied it to several locations to make the rear end quiter from the cabin area.

Good luck with your build and by all means ask questions and post pics.



Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2015
Alberton, Montana
Welcome back!!!! Don't forget about that silly tailgate! You'll likely want it to lay flat. See my signature for ebay links or Amazon.....

Can't wait to see pictures of it when you pick it up and after the build!
Yup, more than likely will. I'll add that to my Amazon parts list. Thanks!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2015
Alberton, Montana
Update: Got a call from the dealer today. Our 700-4 Deluxe is getting shipped to them on Monday. They said depending on the freight company it could get to them the same day or it might be toward the end of the week. Either way I'm optimistic that next weekend I will be picking the machine up. 3.5 hour drive, one way, to get it but I would rather have the machine I want than settle.

I've been digging through the forums reading up on the dual battery setup and installing fuse boxes etc. There are some good posts about the process that I've saved. I was just curious if anyone knows a good link where a fella could just get a better understanding about how to build electrical systems using relays etc. Just wanting to be more proficient so I can do clean work on this machine and also make some improvements on my '69 Commando.

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" Nothing succeeds like excess "
Lifetime Member
Dec 16, 2018
Livingston county, Mi.

  1. 700-4
Update: Got a call from the dealer today. Our 700-4 Deluxe is getting shipped to them on Monday. They said depending on the freight company it could get to them the same day or it might be toward the end of the week. Either way I'm optimistic that next weekend I will be picking the machine up. 3.5 hour drive, one way, to get it but I would rather have the machine I want than settle.

I've been digging through the forums reading up on the dual battery setup and installing fuse boxes etc. There are some good posts about the process that I've saved. I was just curious if anyone knows a good link where a fella could just get a better understanding about how to build electrical systems using relays etc. Just wanting to be more proficient so I can do clean work on this machine and also make some improvements on my '69 Commando.

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Feel free to pm for a phone number and help is just a call away. Pretty easy.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2015
Alberton, Montana
Well I haven't heard from the dealer yet so I have a feeling I won't be heading that way until next weekend. In the meantime I was getting antsy so I went and picked up a Badlands 5500 Apex winch and wireless remote kit. I also got a phone Ram mount and Stark headlight bulbs. Once the club store is back up I will be ordering the dual battery kit, fuse block, and turn signal kit. Once I get that all in I will probablly order up the SuperATV winch mount, roof, and rear windshield. Somewhere in that mess I'll get the front windshield on the way too. Hahaha. The biggest challenge is figuring out how to space everything so as not to upset the missus.

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Active Member
Aug 13, 2021

  1. 700-4
FYI I just recently did a dual battery install on my 700-4 so you can take a look at my thread for ideas. I also bought the dual battery isolator kit from the club store and my only issue with it was the install of it. They provide some battery wiring short lengths but give no indication of where things should be mounted IE isolator and second battery to make use of those short cables! Be prepared to make your own cables.



Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2015
Alberton, Montana
FYI I just recently did a dual battery install on my 700-4 so you can take a look at my thread for ideas. I also bought the dual battery isolator kit from the club store and my only issue with it was the install of it. They provide some battery wiring short lengths but give no indication of where things should be mounted IE isolator and second battery to make use of those short cables! Be prepared to make your own cables.

Thanks I'll check it out! I don't mind making my own wires especially if I can route em my way.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2015
Alberton, Montana
Talked to the dealer today. Ship date got pushed back to this coming Wednesday. Such is the way. I'm not upset by it since it'll give me time to get a few things sorted out prior to the 3.5 hour, one way trip, to get it.

I am getting antsy though. Hahaha. Today I ordered up a couple more things. I ordered a Big Sky 2 gun overhead rifle rack. I've have used this setup on my P500 and was very pleased with it. Always kept my rifles clear of my head and secured. Even my dad, who is over 6 ft could ride in it without knocking his head on the rifles. I've also used a Big Sky mount in a truck and it did great there as well. I ordered up some folding aluminium ramps to replace my old ones. They are rated at 3,000 lbs and should do the trick. My old ones are beat to hell from being used not only as ramps but as a fire grill, work bench, and creek crossing. I also orded the fuse block from the Club store but on Amazon. Got the 12 place one. And finally, on a whim, I purchased a 4 headset intercom setup. I figured I can use the intercom in my Jeep as well as the P7-4. The system will be 4 Rugged Air aircraft headsets, a Flightcom Model IISX intercom, and the Flightcom SR4 expansion kit.

Needless to say I'm ready to start scouting velvet, grabbing the last few morels, ripping a few trout lips, and checking on huckleberry locations.

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New Member
Feb 2, 2021
North Carolina

  1. Do not currently own
Definitely lucky. Been waiting for mine since April and it's already has 30 day delay in shipping date....
  • Wow
Reactions: Smitty335


Active Member
Oct 26, 2020

  1. 700-4

  2. Talon R
Hey everybody,

Well it's been a hot minute since I've been active here. Last time I really was posting was about 3 or so years ago with a P500. Despite my love for that machine I ended up selling it to knock out some other finacial and family goals. That being said we were successful and today we put down a deposit on a new 700-4 Deluxe! We should be hearing about it shipping around the 13th of this month if I understood right. I had to call 6 different dealers to find it.

That all being said I'm glad to be back and I would like to pick the brain trust's mind for a bit. I want to start prepping up what accessories, mods, etc are working well with the 700-4. I will be using it primarily for running mountian dirt roads to hunt and camp here in Montana with a bit of utility work on the side like hauling firewood or bags of mulch.

Initial accessories I'm planning on:
1) Honda OEM soft door uppers for both the front and back doors. I would have liked hard doors for both but the price was unacceptable. Plus I didn't recall seeing a hard rear door. Either way I think the OEM soft uppers look clean and will do the job nicely. Any adjustment or fit tips would be handy though.
2) Seizmik Vented front windshield. I picked it because I liked the vent system and the fit looked good. Didn't really see a lot of reviews on it so I'm not full commit. Plus I would like a wiper system during the fall and winter while hunting I wasn't sure if a poly windshield was the way to go or if a glass system would be better.
3) Super ATV Tinted poly roof (full length). To be honest it is between this and the Koplin Steel roof. I like the profile and fit over the OEM roof. I like that it is tinted and you can still take a peek through it but I wonder how realistic that'll be once road dust or snow settles on it. Again I might be tempted more for the Koplin because price is better and it could be more durable.
4) Super ATV Rear Windshield. The kind that has a flip up access. I think it looks slick and I like that you can open it up and it works with the tilt bed.
5) A heater? Year round use for us. I saw a post for what I believe was an Inferno kit. It looked like the choice for me with the adjustable vents for keeping the windshield clear and heating passengers. My biggest concern with the heatr is the back passengers. Do I need to consider a supplemental heater for the back?
6)Seizmik Bed Extender. I like that it folds up and fits behind the seats while they are up. But do they get in the way when using the full bed? I know it can let heat out in the winter if I need to use it but that space should be plugged by a deer or bear ;)
7) Winch and Bumper. I will be doing these ASAP but I'm debating about doing the front 2" reciever set up for the winch so I can move it to the rear for extraction. May have ran into a couple pickles when running solo during spring bear hunts. Anyways, thoughts or ideas would be welcome.
8) Forward A-Arms. I'm of the belief that bigger tires and a lower center of gravity get results when addressing obstacles and road hazards. I like that I can add more meat with less lift by doing these but I'm seeing limited options. Are any of the manufactures a good go or is there more to consider?
9) 4 inch portals. I know I just said more meat with less lift. But more meat with less gear makes for a bad situation. I think the portals is a great solution and I'm thrilled it's an option. Anyways, I was kinda curious what everyone's opinions were on them and what key points to look for. Eventually goal between the portal and A-Arms is to shove as much tire in as possible to fill the fender wells.

Lastly I have questions about transportation. You may have seen years ago how I ran my P500 up ramps onto a second set of ramps on my flatbed. I had everything bolted, chained, and strapped 10 ways to Sunday and it worked great. Knowing that the 700-4 is a bit larger I think I need to modify this method. So the question is what are some of the best ways to haul this big rig on a short flatbed so that I can also tow a camp trailer? I'm thinking a custom "slide it" UTV rack maybe. Or maybe a bed "extender" with an extended hitch? Brainstorming and input is welcome.

Alright everyone, it's back to the Google machine and forum search for me. I appreciate you reading my long post and look forward to your ideas and guidance.


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I have a brand new Honda OEM glass windshield (OSU95-HL3-105), but I am in Kansas City... I would let it go for a lot less than the retail price, but not sure if shipping is worth it... just a thought. Not sure when I am going to be northwest anytime soon...

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