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does it bother anyone else when you see a jeep with all the right suspension rack on the top gas cans jack on the hood and it's never seen dirt? Omg it bugs the hell out of me. I know some people use them for their intended purpose and I respect that but it can't be over a couple percent who use them. I've literally seen jeeps parked at the bottom of a dirt road where apparently they road up with someone in an 80's Toyota or something so thier rig doesn't get scratched or muddy. I've got more mud on my motorhome then 99% of jeeps have ever had. They will spend 10's of thousands to make their jeep bad ass then are to lame to use it. Just bought a sticker for my truck "silly boys jeeps are for girls" I know I'll get flack but maybe if they would actually use them! People that use them sorry I don't mean you just venting here hoping no one takes offense.
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