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It looks like you got the problem solved. I can't tell you how many times something new from name brand or off brand can be good and/or bad. I put a camshaft, new lifters, and rockers on an 08 jeep Cherokee on the right hand side on Monday. Got it back together and it was clicking like crazy. Most forward lifter on the passenger side was making the noise. Shoved the old rocker and lifter back in and it's quiet as can be now. A few months ago I did the top end on my 300ex. Hot cams camshaft, wiseco higher compression piston, with wiseco gaskets, and oe timing chain and guides. Had the head checked, replaced seals. seated valves, and jug honed. After firing it up you could watch oil leak from the new head gasket. Ran like a champ but would slightly leak oil. I bought a tusk complete gasket set when I bought the machine just so I always had gaskets if needed. I didn't want to wait for shipping so I threw the tusk head gasket in and it's been perfect ever since. Sometimes things just turn out sideways.