As I posted in reply #12, in Vermont, ATV use on the road is not allowed, unless a municipality has designated specific roads where they are permitted.
Many ATV owners ignore this in our rural area. I think most people, including law enforcement, would be willing to let it slide if it were just the farmer driving his ATV out to his field to hop on his tractor, of someone otherwise following the law to ride their ATV down to the local ice cream stand on a back dirt road. Unfortunately, we have a few whackos whose actions really call attention to the activity: Kids racing ATVs down the road (often with their parents blocking the road from other traffic for them), well above the posted speed limit, blowing through stop signs, or driving home from a party at a friends house, etc. People using the ditches as ramps to jump out into the road. Riding wheelies down the middle of the road. We had a couple of underage kids killed in a neighboring town riding double on an ATV coming home drunk from a party. They blew right through a stop sign without slowing and were hit by a car. We've had other close calls. We've had other bad behavior: riding across private property without permission, vandalizing public parks and playing fields for youth sports.
It's really unfortunate. If the ATVs were following the same rules that the cars do, most of the locals would continue to look the other way and never say a thing about the illegal on-road operations. As it is, the irresponsible behavior has given ATVs & their riders a bad name in the community. many locals have had it, and no longer hesitate to cal the sheriff. Any chance there may have been to convince the town to designate a couple of key roads as OK for ATVs has been shot to hell.