I'd like to better seal out debris that seems to pile up inside my Talon. There are a number of options (OEM, Axiom, Trail Armor, Super
ATV, EMP and KFI) and I'd like to see opinions on how some of them perform. Thanks for the input.
I like the SuperATV door lowers on my 2 seater. But I'll say this - with the radiator up front, mine is a toasty ride. I have the Rokblokz fender extenders and I'm thinking they may be enough to keep out most of the debris thrown up by the front tires and I may remove the lowers next summer to see if I can get the cab heat down some. You may not have the same heat issues with the engine further back but the radiator is still up front.
There is no seal, there's 1/2" - 5/8" gap around the edges. You'll be on your own if you want to figure out a weatherstripping seal. Installation wasn't bad, just follow the simple directions. You'll drill 7 holes per side, four of those are pre-dimpled from Honda.
What I didn't like was removing the door skins for access. Plastic threads followed one of the screws out on removal - the skin is fastened with 8 or 9 self tapping screws into plastic posts in the skin, you won't get many R&R cycles before the posts start stripping out - this will be an issue with whoever's lowers you choose.
There's a slight contour crease in each door. You can see the seven screws used to secure each, 3 pointing up from the top lip and 4 above going through horizontally. SuperATV has a video if you go this route.