Our world requires a delicate balance, there are two reasons reasons I can think of for preventing gun control. To prevent tyrannical government and to promote the ecological balance of animals. Everyone should be teaching their son,daughters and grandchildren to hunt. Continuing the tradition of hunting insures that there will always be someone to fight gun control and keep the ecology in check. As sky pup has pointed out, the balance of ferrel hogs is out of control, in my area deer populations are out of balance. Last season we had a earn a buck program in place, I had to take a doe before taking a buck. Six tags and we are only allowed two bucks now that doesn't really bother me just a point about balance. There has been a steep decline in the number of hunters nationwide going back about thirty years. There are mainly two things to be concerned with and those are , governments out of control and animals out of control. If these are not controlled disease will become prevalent both in society and the body.