That, and when I was reading up before my -5 SE was delivered, I think it was here on sxs that there was a discussion with some saying they didn't bother to come to a full stop before shifting from H to L, from 2T to 2 Lock, or from 2 to 4WD (or in the case of the SE & LE, from 2 WD to i4WD). IMO that is just asking from trouble, the good book says to stop first, so that's what I do, as I want to go to Honda Heaven. 
Can I have an Amen!!?
Oops, sorry for preachin' . . . and here I ain't even a church-goer.
Can I have an Amen!!?
Oops, sorry for preachin' . . . and here I ain't even a church-goer.