Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
Lifetime Member
Club Contributor
This coming weekend I’m meeting an Overlander buddy of mine and we’re going to re-run the aforementioned title of this thread. It’ll be in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness just north of Mcall. I want to say it’s something like 60+ miles round trip. I did it two years ago in the 500 and it was awesome! Some of the best country in Idaho. The French creek switchbacks drop you down onto the Salmon River near the Wind River Bridge. A mile down the road, you pick up the Centennial Trail up through a bunch of old mining claims and some spectacular scenery over by Marshall lake. I’m so excited to be going back. I go to Burgdorf hot springs every year. It’s where I make banana nut pancakes with maple syrup and relax...
If’n anyone is in the area, feel free to join us.
If’n anyone is in the area, feel free to join us.