Just got off the phone with the service department and I talked to the guy that actually serviced my machine. He said he followed the service manual exactly and that the manual recommended that the unit be put on a level surface in park and 2WD and the unit rocked back and forth.
He said that he had adjusted the cables per spec and then drained all the fluid in the rear diff and cleaned everything with a penetrating oil and then refilled the diff and it was "working" for him.
He thought that the oil was so thick that it wasn't letting the lever on the diff fully switch so it was keeping it from displaying anything other than turf mode. He thought that driving it more would cause the mode to start working.
I don't believe that at all but I will drive it more tonight and I will try the park and shaking (considering I drove it back home up and down hills in park on the way home, that should have already been more than enough). He said to call back if it didn't work.
I will probably need to take it to a different dealer. Unfortunately they are my closest Honda dealer.
Or just ignore it....
Or just get a Honda service manual and figure it out for myself.