NTCTAP Master Fabricator
Lifetime Member
Yesterday I took the wife and daugthers ( 18 and 13 ) out for some riding and "rockhounding". For the record, this is our first family ride with all 4 of us together in the 1800 miles that I put on "Ronda" ( P1000-5D ) since the purchase six months ago. Also this is the first time we rock hunt ( "hound" ) ever, so we have no idea what we are looking for. Overall the trip was amazing and the family time was and always will be priceless. We actually found some Agates even though we did not know what we were looking for. I have also learned that I have picked up and discarded quite a few agates after watching and reading on what to look for, after the trip, so better results next time. This was a total ride of 60 miles with a total of 6 stops to "rockhound" with the longest stop being 35 minutes, and that including making the "samitches" for lunch ( We mostly just rode cause you can make an entire day just hunting in one spot ). Total ride time was 6 hours and 45 minutes. Note: if you use Avenza, there is a map for this area. If your wondering where Farmingdale is, it between the Blackhills in SD and the Badlands, so if you visit SD for the tourism, your easily right by it.