A lot of excellent replies. Yes it’s a 2500. In my opinion one of the best trucks ever made! Yes it’s 4x4.
Married and bringing our son LuLu. He’s only 10 pounds and small so he only takes up room in my lap while driving
I was thinking about doing a blog, but, ya know how that’s goes... maybe i could get some followers and donations and such for the trip. Problem is that’s just not my style.
Others who are living on the road do that and they call it “supporting the site” but I call it begging for money LMAO. That’s what it feels like to me and it goes against who I am as a person.
However, that said, I pretty much spent all my money on getting ready FOR the trip, so don’t have a heck of a lot left ON the trip lol!
I have been researching this for a couple years as it’s always been my dream to just chunk it all, take off and live off grid and / or on the road. A lot of research into places to go where you can camp for free, BLM land, off grid living and survival, blah blah blah.
Since I’m a 35 year master repair plumber, I guess I could look into sites where I could do plumbing jobs and support myself along the way???
Truth is even after all my research I still don’t have a damn clue what I’m doing or where I’m going and I guess that’s half the fun of it is to just take off with no direction!!!
Even though the bank account is pretty much tapped out I still have a crap load of stuff I've accumulated over the last 30 years that have a lot of high dollar value, but the same items that have the most value is also what I don’t want to part with!!!!
Examples are a pair of like new Honda 2000 gens which I’m 50-50 on bringing, but that could snatch up a quick $1500!
Selling off a LOT of my guns because you can only bring so many... even after I’ll have enough artillery to fend off 10 people for 10 days LOL!
My biggest dilemma is my Night Vision stuff. I have Mod-3 Goggles with dual Gen 3 Pinnacle tubes and an IR Patrol Thermal Imager. There is quite a bit of demand for that stuff and I could pick up a quick $10,000 for both overnight.
Conversely when you’re in the middle of nowhere 100 miles from the nearest road living remote and off grid, I can’t think of any other items that would make me feel more safe and give me an edge like having it!!! Never know when you’re going to run into the middle of a drug deal in New Mexico. Plus a blog gives away your location which I’m not excited about doing as well...
Yes, this is NOT a road trip to explore our nations national parks. This is going to be places that are extremely remote, the middle of nowhere, where I can go weeks without seeing another person. So being prepared and having everything goes without saying and man oh man do I have everything!
So I probably won’t do a blog but I will update every couple of months just to let everyone know how the equipment is working out. I have a similar post in the truck forums and here for the Honda.
I always lay in bed opposite watching TV and he sits the EXACT same way with his 3-year-old mate that stinks to high heavens!!!! He gets separation anxiety and whenever we leave him and will wait patiently in the same spot until our return. He also thinks he’s a bad ass as well and my biggest fear is he will charge a grizzly thinking he is something or another and get swallowed WHOLE!!!
That’s me clean and cut when I was being a service man and the other making a funny picture for my daughter emulating Indiana Jones! I think there’s a close resemblance... LMAO