Maybe he just meant there were O-rings included in his order, not literally in the box with the filters.The filters shouldn't have come with any o-rings.
Did you change both Engine and DCT filters?
The o-rings provided were probably for the filter covers. But if you got OEM filters they aren't provided with the filter, its a separate part number.
Sorry, The air element came with two o-rings.
one that fit and the other was oversized by at
least six inches.
Yes I already flipped the oil, oil filters and o-rings for them.
Also flipped the sub tranny.
There's 2 in the airboxRight, but it only takes one o-ring. I wonder why the other is different. I got two in the kit.
That’s why I’m asking if I missed something.
2020 modelAccording to the parts diagram. 1 is for the case seal and 1 is the lid seal. Parts #4 and #8 in the diagram. This is a 2021 model.
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That's what I thought first air filter service, the air box gasket was really compressed and I didn't see it. Don't see as well as I used to.When I removed the lid, there was no gasket but there was one under the filter.
Well, that explains it.
If you poke in the groove with something pointy, you'll find it's squishy, not hard like the plastic. The gasket is the same color as the plastic and hard to see that it's actually a gasket. You won't be the first to be fooled.When I removed the lid, there was no gasket but there was one under the filter.
Well, that explains it.