H.F.A.W.H.A. meeting



Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
Lifetime Member
Club Contributor
Apr 25, 2017

  1. 1000-5
I’m not sure you can drink two in a row😴
Never could finish two...except maybe those Apocalypse IPA’s . I think I had maybe three one night in back of mt. rainier Np
Molecular mayhem...
E94D2390 FFE4 4CBE B3E2 85B9B4E0E92D
73C140DF BF4F 483F AD6F 74C9B3782EDD
683A2A90 A87B 4BA2 B61F 2A5295417656
746467E8 39D0 408E 8D12 E9EB987B30E6


Is that a requirement to join the H.F.A.W.H.A.? Perhaps I should have read the group's by-laws with a bit more scrutiny. Sounds like a strange skill set to be needed to join a bunch of Dedicated Drunkard Honda Riders, and lacking the requested desire, ability and experience, I might be disqualified from membership.

Lemme get some data first...is the dick sucking that you speak of the 'under duress' flavor of dick sucking, like the first night in prison, "Hey husband, why donchoo come on down here and suck yo wife's dick" type situation, or do you seek in new applicants a heart-felt, gotta-get-my-choppers-around-any-ole-pecker-on-a-Saturday-night full-blown (pardon the pun) dick-addicted Liberace level full-blown (damn I did it again) Homo from the Planet Fagatron purely recreational kind of dick sucking?

I guess it's all rather academic in any case, 'cause dick sucking simply isn't my little cup of tea. Now the earnest desire to GET it sucked, by an attractive female, THAT'S something that you should consider adding to your requisite list, as I think that you'd probably get more applicants, and of a higher caliber, at least in most parts of the country.

I just thought of something...it is impossible to tell from your avatar or previous posts of yours (that I have always enjoyed reading, btw) if you are male or female. If you are in fact female, I do have a question for you...do you suck dicks?

I would really appreciate it, JTW, if you could kindly intercede on my behalf with the H.F.A.W.H.A. Representative of Dick Sucking Requirements and gently suggest that I may be of service to the group overall on all matters that do not involve dick sucking.

Titan Tom, non-dick sucker
Sorry... I couldn’t hear you over the gagging of our second newest member!!


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