Wasn’t without a few problems though. We had a couple flats and lost our snorkel.
@Tigermark slipped off the brake and literally drove up over me in the Wolverine with the Honda, that was funny.
Pioneer lost its oil while up on one of the lookouts. Drain plug came out, after another inspection it looks like maybe that took a slight hit from the previous rocks. There’s no longer a skid plate in that section.
We had difficulty towing it home with the Wolverine, definitely not near the tow rig the Pioneer is but got us to camp and pushed the Honda into the camper this morning.
Back home now unfortunately. Last camp trip till Christmas. Glad Tiger came over, he was the only one that would weather the cold conditions. The road in was a sheet of ice in places and we were all in 2x4’s but lived to tell about it😊