H.F.A.W.H.A. meeting



Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Oct 14, 2015

  1. Other Brand

  2. 1000-5

  3. Talon X LV
That was on my little practice track at the home place, wish I still had that bike?
I still really regret selling mine but at the time we needed a running Sxs. Time to nut up soon and get another big bike!!
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Well-Known Member
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Oct 3, 2016
NWA Arkansas

  1. 1000-3

  2. 1000-5
You heard wrong, I'm a docile rider:rolleyes:!
I really don't like saying this, but there is a very good chance I will be in a 2019 Textron Havoc come January, these are great machines, been looking at them for a couple months now, I don't think Honda is going to do much on up grades to the P1, The Havoc has them smoked, bad! So I hope y'all don't kick me out! I think Textron is going to be good for the S x S industry . The Talon will probably be a two seater with limited seating as well's the Havoc, but the Havoc has a dump bed. I can still haul my dogs around, maybe? Honda needs to let some more info out.
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Go ride!
Lifetime Member
Club Contributor
Jun 15, 2014

  1. 1000-5
I really don't like saying this, but there is a very good chance I will be in a 2019 Textron Havoc come January, these are great machines, been looking at them for a couple months now, I don't think Honda is going to do much on up grades to the P1, The Havoc has them smoked, bad! So I hope y'all don't kick me out!
Go for it. I'll still tow you back you old plumber!


Go ride!
Lifetime Member
Club Contributor
Jun 15, 2014

  1. 1000-5
Overall a good night at the rocky mountain elk banquet. Bear bow with sites and case. And Alaskan travel bags pvc, waterproof
DG Rider

DG Rider

Member: Triple Clutch Club
Lifetime Member
Aug 14, 2013
Casa Grande, AZ

  1. 700-2
I really don't like saying this, but there is a very good chance I will be in a 2019 Textron Havoc come January, these are great machines, been looking at them for a couple months now, I don't think Honda is going to do much on up grades to the P1, The Havoc has them smoked, bad! So I hope y'all don't kick me out! I think Textron is going to be good for the S x S industry . The Talon will probably be a two seater with limited seating as well's the Havoc, but the Havoc has a dump bed. I can still haul my dogs around, maybe? Honda needs to let some more info out.
Is that the Stampede looking thing?

Why not just get a CF Moto?


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
Lifetime Member
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Club Contributor
Oct 14, 2015

  1. Other Brand

  2. 1000-5

  3. Talon X LV
@tmjm76691 , @Tigermark last time you two chuckle heads conned Ang into making me take the van on 17yo tires to ride with ya all we were stuck on the highway overnight here.Small price to pay for the experience though.
8842FECE 5B5D 442B 9972 2363828DB338

Making great time but damn these spark plug contraptions gulp fuel! 179 to go.


Outside looking in.
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Supporting Member
You could come up to say hi, maybe have lunch with us tomorrow. We will be in Olympia. 1.5 hours from you

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I don’t know brother, just did about 1500 miles the last 2 days going down into California making a delivery.
DG Rider

DG Rider

Member: Triple Clutch Club
Lifetime Member
Aug 14, 2013
Casa Grande, AZ

  1. 700-2
Wouldn't it be ironic to have trail ridden most of my life, yet be maimed by some other buffoon while walking down a hill?

I was riding down at the day drinkers park today (that would be Wildcat). Towards the end, i came across a group of mostly quads, spread out on both ends of a hill. As i pulled up, one of the guys at the bottom was getting off his machine, and he said something about someone having trouble on the climb. I pulled forward around a very slight curve where more machines were parked and observed a Brute Force on it side up the hill, with a some guys trying to right it. I walked up with the guys at the bottom to help if needed.

The hill was steep enough to demand attention...and would be trouble if you got sideways, but was hardly a widowmaker. Once righted, the BF rode on to the top with some ease....so not sure what happened there. So we started walking down, while the others at the top headed back up. Among the machines at the top was a decent Grandpa (300 Honda 4x4) parked sideways on a very slight grade. As we were walking down, one of the guys beside me commented that "now <name that escapes me> has rolled his...".

As i looked back, the 300 was on its side...and one of the guys at the top came over and helped him put it back on its wheels. What happened next simply defies any explanation...
I guess he decided it had flooded and wouldn't start (never tried), so he decided to just ride it while letting gravity bring it on down the hill. I saw him start, but turned my back as i was walking on down when i heard the sound of tires rolling...faster and faster. Then his buddy made an "oh s***" remark and i looked back to see this 300 coming down the hill at what looked to be complete freewheel speed.

As i mentioned, there was a slight curve at the bottom. At the exit was my 500 on the outside, and his buddies' machines on the inside, completely blocking the trail. And of course...me walking on the outside of the curve. So knowing he was going to have a tough time making the curve and stopping at his speed, i immediately broke into a full sprint hoping i could at least put the Pioneer between us or somehow not be taken out when he went sailing off the mountain (which would have been serious injury, if not death).

Just as i got behind the Pioneer expecting a violent collision and/or shoved into me and off the bank, he made managed to make the curve and slammed into the back of his buddies Brute, moving it a few feet and bumping it harmlessly into the Pioneer. My initial thought was that he'd had brake failure. The thing is...he OBVIOUSLY slowed down significantly in the last several feet, or he would have broken both machines...and himself. So it appears that he was simply too scared to hit the brakes enough to keep the machine under control, and i have no ideal why.
When it becomes obvious no damage was done, we all kinda chuckle about it while I'm thinking these guys must have woke up yesterday and decided to become trail riders. His buddy makes a comment that "this guy (referring to me) is probably saying i need to get the hell away from these guys...". We all chuckle again, i tell them to have a good one, and promptly get the hell out of there before something else happens...and once out of sight, say to myself "holy s***, what was that?".


Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
Lifetime Member
Club Contributor
Apr 25, 2017

  1. 1000-5
@tmjm76691 , @Tigermark last time you two chuckle heads conned Ang into making me take the van on 17yo tires to ride with ya all we were stuck on the highway overnight here.Small price to pay for the experience though. View attachment 82883
Making great time but damn these spark plug contraptions gulp fuel! 179 to go.
Been there before. Columbia river!
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