Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
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If you had dropped acid man at Disney, you would’ve found your mind again, or at least those parts you forgot how to use and probably could’ve solved Einstein’s theory of relativity as well as created awesome finger paintings with multicolored elephant poop chewing gum, that you would then form into stucco hieroglyphs and Aztec calendars, made to call down the Paladians from their ever distant orbits around the moons of Antares, all while riding on their space Pegusai and listening to some rare Hendrix....man. Yeah man, Disney is a trip. Even better than the Tampa international airport where the Marriott hotel carpet is really, really red and cosmic, or going swimming with alligators......Just don’t do it during mating season...I’d see about 45 gators within a half hour of canoeing on average. Used to catch the little ones and got chased out of a few nests a time or two by big hissing pissed off lizards. I’ve seen quite a few barrel chested monsters in my time. The Gruman canoe was 17’ and some of them were 12-14’ huge freaking dinosaurs. Freaking cool man! Yup, I’m dangerous. Love lizards and reptiles though. In my formative youthful years I hunted eastern diamond back and cane break rattlers for food and to make stuff with their skins. Used to get so many, I’d keep their headless bodies curled up in the fridge. Lost a college dorm roommate that way. Good eating too. Not the roommate mind you.....Ever kill a poisonous snake with a bicycle tire? Poor ass students gotta eat you know and I ain’t eating no roommate...Osceola National Forest being across the street from the college was advantageous to snake hunting. I was a Forestry major, hunting hippy among the rednecks....Now my brother thinks I’m a redneck who hates hippies. That’s partly true. Does this story ever end?Lol... that’s what happens when you visit Disney.. YOU LOSE YOUR f***ING MIND!
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