Re: Skid plate recall/update 700p4
Using the "lawyer logic" ( trumps all common sense), we would need to file a law suit against Honda to fix the sticks coming up through the floor board and into our boots. On the flip side, if Honda did offer a voluntary recall solution, the lawyers would feed off a class action law suit because Honda "admitted" there was a safety issue. Sadly, in Corporate America, corporations are damned if they do and damned if the don't. It usually comes down to a financial risk analysis as to which path reduces their exposure and risk to law suits vs. doing the right thing for their customers.
Using the "lawyer logic" ( trumps all common sense), we would need to file a law suit against Honda to fix the sticks coming up through the floor board and into our boots. On the flip side, if Honda did offer a voluntary recall solution, the lawyers would feed off a class action law suit because Honda "admitted" there was a safety issue. Sadly, in Corporate America, corporations are damned if they do and damned if the don't. It usually comes down to a financial risk analysis as to which path reduces their exposure and risk to law suits vs. doing the right thing for their customers.