I’m hoping one of you guys can point me in the right direction or offer some advise. Recently I purchased a new 2021 Honda Talon 1000X-4 live valve. Without making this a long story, I am currently in need of a new or used drivers door panel (white panel, black graphics). My dealer says that getting any type of new panel is just about impossible due to a shortage of plastic Honda is having. My next corse of action would be to take it to a body shop and have it repaired which I could do but this leads to problem #2, My dealer also says Honda does not show that the door decal that I would need can be purchased separately, only with new door. So unless I can aquirer a used door from a wrecked machine or have the decals custom made I am s**t out of luck. I don’t suppose any of you guys happen to have a wrecked 2021 Talon sitting in your garage by chance or a good door panel that is just taking up space you want to get rid of……lol. Any ideas would be deeply appreciated.
Donzi - 18
Donzi - 18