POIDH Enforcement Officer
Lifetime Member
Supporting Member
When I’m at work running calls I need smaller concealment, less noticeable and to not hender my movements for my job so I have a Taurus 380 TCP with 1 magazine 6+1.
If I want a larger punch with concealment that’s not noticeable for other everyday out of work, I have a Taurus 709 slim 9+1 unless I feel like carrying my second clip. When I’m up at the cottage or deer camp, I open carry my heavyweight most favorite gun, that’s my Sig M2 seal issue 40. I have a slot for extra clip on the front of my holster. Those clips are 12+1 each.
If I want a larger punch with concealment that’s not noticeable for other everyday out of work, I have a Taurus 709 slim 9+1 unless I feel like carrying my second clip. When I’m up at the cottage or deer camp, I open carry my heavyweight most favorite gun, that’s my Sig M2 seal issue 40. I have a slot for extra clip on the front of my holster. Those clips are 12+1 each.