I have a P500 and I'm thinking of clever ways to prevent it from being stolen. I'm going to leave it at my camp house and want to disable it when I'm not there. I plan to use a wheel lock, but I am also wondering why I can't also just unplug the key switch and take it with me. If I leave the key switch meth heads will probably jam a screwdriver into it anyway and destroy it as they try and steal it. My thought is to just pull the switch out through to dash (if there is enough extra wire) and just let it hang out. That may not look nice but then I could just plug in and unplug the switch when I leave. No way meth heads will have an extra key switch on hand. My camp house is only accessible by boat and local scumbags tend to only have small aluminum boats but nevertheless they will try and load an over 1000 pound SxS on their boat.